October 29, 2011: Weekly 5 minute update (Audio Only)

You may view the 5 minute update this week via audio:

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In this week’s 5 minute update, we focused on:

1) The current status of the Israel / PLO peace process

The US and Germany is pressuring Israel to issue a building freeze in East Jerusalem. Germany issued a threat to not sell Israel German submarines if Israel continues to build in East Jerusalem. However, Israel refused the request.  The Palestinians insist that Israel must agree to their terms in order for them to enter into direct negotiations with Israel. These terms are a PLO state based upon 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital in addition to Israel stop building in East Jerusalem. The Quartet (US, UN, EU and Russia) was unsuccessful in getting Israel and the PLO to agree to direct talks but both sides expressed willingness to submit their respective proposals for borders and security within 3 months according to the Quartet guidelines which they issued in a Sept 23 statement.

An agreement to divide Jerusalem and establish a PLO state is a tribulation event.

The link to these articles are as follows:

1)  Israel denies US request for settlement freeze
2) Israel may lose German sub deal 
3) Palestinian negotiator: Israel must agree to our terms, or no peace talks
4) Quartet bid to restart Israeli-Palestinian talks fails
5) Mideast envoys make no breakthroughs
6) Israel ready to submit borders proposal to Quartet

From a Biblical prophetic perspective, the reason why the God of Israel would allow these events to happen is because it will result in the end of the exile of the house of Jacob and the reunification of the 12 tribes of Israel (Ephraim and Judah).

We will to be “watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem” and we will not rest until the God of Israel makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62).

Shalom in Yeshua the Messiah,

Eddie Chumney
Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int’l

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